A group of volunteer Pagosa Amateur Radio enthusiasts has been certified by the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) to administer FCC Amateur License exams. Exams are scheduled when enough people express an interest in taking them and we can get the required three examiners to agree on a date.
The Amateur “Technician” license allows Amateur Radio Operators (HAMs) to operate on certain UHF and VHF voice frequencies using mobile, handheld and fixed-station equipment at far greater ranges than the popular, license-free FRS and GMRS radios. The Morse code element (optional) also allows operation on certain High Frequency (HF) bands. These licenses also allow HAMS to use local repeaters which greatly expand the range of communication, linked repeaters extending the range state-wide, and Internet-Radio links allowing worldwide communication. The Technician Licenses are the gateway to more advanced licenses (General and Extra) allowing direct radio communication almost anywhere in the world, satellite communication, and participation in various public service and emergency communication nets.
Requirements for the exam can be found in any commercially available study guide. For the Technician license, we recommend the book Technician Class by Gordon West, available through Radio Shack. (Be sure you get the Fifth edition that uses the question pool dated effective 7/1/03.) If you are planning to take the Morse Code exam as well, be aware that we will use the ARRL-supplied 5 WPM code tests (listening).
The cost of the exam is fixed by the ARRL and for 2005 is $14.
If you are interested in signing up for the exam, send E-mail to Duncan@Lawrie.com, call me at (970) 731-3565, or print, complete and mail
this form.
When you take the exam, be sure to bring a State-Issued Photo ID (drivers license) or other official photo ID and the original and a copy of any previously issued FCC licenses or Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE’s).
Please note that the ARRL-Certified Volunteer Examiners are also involved with the Upper San Juan Search and Rescue. In the event of an ongoing rescue activity, the exam may have to be rescheduled or refunds issued.
Related links: Durango Amateur Radio Club. ARRL