Fort Lawrie 2004

Recent Training

    University of Illinois Senior Administrator Seminar and dozens of similar training/awareness seminars.
    Colorado Law Enforcement Association - Crime Scene Investigation
    Colorado Regional Computer Forensics Lab Internet and Computer Crime Training
    Death Scene Investigation, Sixth Judicial District, Carol J Huser, M.D.

    Dept. Homeland Securty Threat and Risk Assessment
    FBI-CART Image Scan II
    FEMA/NFA Q118 - Community Safety Educators
    FEMA/ICS1 IS100 - Introduction to the Incident Command System
    FEMA/ICS2 IS200 - Incident Command System, Basic
    FEMA/NIMS ICS300 - Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
    FEMA/NIMS IS700 - National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
    DHS/FEMA/NRP IS800 - National Response Plan (NRP), an Introduction
    FEMA/CERT IS317 - Introduction to CERT
    FEMA/NET IS650 Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments
    FEMA/EOC IS275 - The EOC's Role in Community Preparedness, Response and Recovery Activities
    FEMA/EOC IS275 - EOC Management and Operations Course
    Applied Search Management (ERI Search Management Systems 2007 and Search Management for the Initial Responder Incident Commander) Goodman

    And many more....

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